Meet Joe Caudle, the brains behind AirSciences International. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Hamburg, Germany, where he studied astrophysics. After returning to the U.S., he worked at the U.S. Air Force Headquarters and later at the Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters as a physicist. His scientific background led to the founding of AirSciences International, Inc. and the patenting of the FiltiriteTM Passive Air Filters.
AirSciences International, Inc. was founded in 2005 in the Orlando, Florida area. Since its inception, the company has made many improvements to the filters, including discovery of a more efficient mineral and the creation of innovative patented products.
The active ingredients in AirSciences products have been accepted by the FDA, USDA, OSHA and the Department of Health and Human Services for use in food preparation areas.
The uses of AirSciences products is not limited to your refrigeration units. Perhaps the most important data to date: Preliminary testing has shown that the FiltiriteTM Passive Air Filters also adsorb VIRUSES.
Hospital-induced infections strike over 440,000 patients each year in the U.S. alone (killing over 100,000). Because our filters can adsorb bacteria, funguses and viruses from the air, they could be of great benefit to health care systems around the world. The filters do not kill the adsorbed pollutants but merely take them out of areas they should not be in. Therefore, they do not create "superbugs." AirSciences is determined to show the world that we can help eliminate airborne illnesses in hospitals.
Contact us to talk to the inventor and to receive more information on current products.
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